Fishing report: 4-17-09

The rivers go from being open on the Lower Shore and Middle Shore, to semi-open on the Upper Shore. The MN DNR spring creel survey has been going for one week on the Lower Shore, while it started yesterday on the Middle Shore, and today on the Upper Shore.

Water temperatures ranged from 34-35 degrees in the morning and 38-41 degrees in the afternoon on the Lower Shore. Water temperatures throughout the day range from 33-36 on the Middle Shore and 33-34 on the Upper Shore. Interviewed anglers caught 9 Kamloops and 9 Steelhead on the Lower Shore, and 3 Steelhead on the Middle Shore the past four days. It is still early in the run on the Lower Shore.

In general, water temperatures must exceed 40 degrees for Steelhead and Kamloops to migrate upstream. Flows on the Lower Shore are peaking, continue to be turbid, and are still carrying some debris in the afternoons.

The Knife River trap was opened on 4/12/09 and has sampled 6 Steelhead this past week. Flows at the French River continue to be too high to open the adult trap.

info provided by the MN DNR


Anonymous said…
Hello Everyone,
Great site! I've been using it as my primary reference for my virgin trip for Steelhead this weekend. I fish the Kinni regularly, but this will be my first attempt at tricking Steelhead with a fly. Are you guys going to be doing and openner's eve report on Friday? Looking forward to the trip. Thanks for everything and I hope I have some photo's to share.

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