Fishing Report: 4-11-11

Here is the latest report on fishing and conditions from our friends a the Minnesota DNR:

From 4/8 through 4/10, water temperatures ranged from 34-35 in the morning and 35-37 in the afternoon on the Lower Shore.  From 4/8 through 4/10, interviewed anglers caught 16 Kamloops, 2 Steelhead, and 1 coho and on the Lower Shore.  The spring creel will begin on the Middle Shore on 4/14 and on the Upper Shore on 4/16.  The Knife and French River Traps will be opened to catch fish sometime in the next week depending on water temperatures and flows.  Streams shorewide have high flows with a lot of debris and ice chunks, after the warm air temperatures on Saturday and rain on Sunday.  We do not expect the smelt run to begin until water temperatures exceed 45 degrees overnight for several days in a row, which will most likely not occur for several weeks.

One can also read fishing reports updated on the DNR website on Mondays and Fridays by clicking here:  MN DNR Reports 
You can also call the DNR office at 218-525-0853 and selecting 1 for the fishing report updated every Monday and Friday.


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