4-14-11 DNR Report

From 4/11 through 4/14, water temperatures ranged from 42-44 Tuesday and Wednesday and from 36-40 the rest of the days on the Lower Shore. Water temperatures on 4/14 on the Middle shore ranged from36 to 40. From 4/11 through 4/14, interviewed anglers caught 20 Kamloops, 20 Steelhead, 3 Brook trout and 1 Coho and on the Lower Shore. Eight Kamloops were reported being caught on the Middle Shore on 4/14.  Photo courtesy Big Idea

The spring creel will begin on the Upper Shore on 4/16. The Knife and French River Traps will be opened on 4/18. Stream flows on the Lower Shore are decreasing and becoming clear, while flows on the Middle and Upper Shore are still running high with debris and ice chunks. The brief warm up on 4/12 and 4/13 resulted in a run of fish on Lower Shore streams, but nighttime air temperatures the rest of the week were below freezing and have slowed things down. Two to six inches of snow is predicted for this weekend, with night time air temperatures below freezing.

One can also read fishing reports updated on the DNR website on Mondays and Fridays by clicking here: MN DNR Reports.You can also call the DNR office at 218-525-0853 and selecting 1 for the fishing report updated every Monday and Friday.

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