2011 Lower Shore Temperature Tracking
Wow we're close! Using the DNR steelhead return study data along with plotting the temperatures of several Lower Shore tribs, you can see we're getting very close to the main returns beginning. No question we have fish movement going on already, but it's just first scouts as it were. I wish I would have had all of today's data, but I thought it better to get the chart put together and worry about what happened today with temps tomorrow (big jump across the board). Lets just say things are really heating up. Man what a cruddy joke. I'm sorry, pretty pathetic I know.... Remember that according to DNR data, "Upstream movement of adult steelhead in the spring initiates when maximum daily water temperatures exceed 4.4*C (39.92*F) and mean daily water temperatures exceed 3.3*C (37.94*F)." Schreiner et.al. Minnesota DNR. As you can see, the available temp data is showing were pretty close. Tomorrow should be interesting... Only item of note is that I'm a little suspicious of the Sucker data. Seems a little low, but then again it's been getting a ton of melt. Crazy readings this afternoon though, so we'll check it tomorrow. Anyway, here's the chart (Click for Larger Image):
I'll be posting other numbers as soon as I can run them through the matrix.
Regards- NMF