Sucker River - Temporary angler access allowed...for now.

Earlier this year we contact the landowners along the lower portion of the Sucker River for a follow-up conversation regarding their decision to close river access along their portion of land adjacent to the East side near the mouth.  For descriptive sake, we will term the riversides as if looking downstream, so downstream-left (DL) and downstream-right (DR).  If you are new to this access closure issues you should first read HERE, then read this POST.  The following will make more sense if you understand the history behind the situation.

During our conversation the one landowner (remaining nameless) reiterated that the access will remain closed to the public, anglers included.  It was again stated that they enjoy sharing the land and visiting with respectful visitors and anglers, but also needed to do something to prevent any future theft and vandalism.

The good news for anglers is that this access will be open to anglers from April 19th – May 19th.  As stated, this landowner enjoys sharing with anglers and hopes that you will all be respectful and mindful of the property owner’s rights, new rules, and access.  The owner hopes to one day have continual access, but even with new signs in place, people, anglers too, are disregarding his message and blatantly trespassing.

Some land ownership clarification for below the North Shore Drive at the Sucker River:
*The west side (DR) of the river below scenic HWY 61 is privately owned and is closed always. It is posted and has been posted for years.  This means no access.

*The first portion (below parking lot) on the East side (DL) has a sign about trespassing but allows anglers to access and fish. This is the access trail right at the parking lot.
*Halfway to the mouth on the east side (DL) there is a rope and posted signage. There is no access until April 19 and then it closes in the evening of May 19. This is the area referred to in this and past articles.

Our message to all of you that enjoy fishing this portion of the Sucker River is to be mindful and aware of those abusing this access privilege. Take a pic/video with your phone, get a license number, or call the conservation officers.

The posted signs have when up this past month and appear to be working with most but not all fishermen… the woods have eyes and will see you.  It is obvious people have already been past the rope over this past weekend. Those few violators will impact what access privileges will be available in the future.

Area Conservation Officers are aware of the posted signs and will enforce. The ability of the anglers to comply with the postings will impact future access privileges.  Wishing you all a safe and successful spring season!


HammyDavisJr said…
Thanks for your continued work on this frustrating issue. I sympathize with the land owner's continual challenges when dealing with the negative impacts they've been facing for years.

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