Sucker River Access CLOSED.

Effective Immediately, Sucker River Access is CLOSED.

As of September 19th, 2018, access downstream of scenic highway 61 on both sides of the river is no longer open for public use.  Signs have been posted marking the closure areas and a notice containing additional details has been posted at the parking lot.

As many of the North Shore angling pubic know, this same access was on the verge of closure back in April of 2017.  To learn more about the history – click here.

For many years, these land owners have graciously allowed visitors to utilize paths on their property to access the shoreline of Lake Superior. Anglers have enjoyed the benefits of ready access to the various pools, runs and riffles as well as the mouth of the Sucker River.  In recent years however, problems that can unfortunately come with open access have grown progressively worse. There has been an increase in senseless littering, vandalism, criminal damage to property and the theft of a canoe and kayak. The landowners have endured much but their patience and tolerance has reached an end.

We have been informed by a spokesperson for the landowners involved that this was a very difficult decision to make and leaves them deeply saddened. They have enjoyed meeting many anglers and visitors alike over the years, but feel the accumulation of events have left them no choice but to close access to prevent further property damage, theft and vandalism.

If you have not read the original notice Minnesota Steelheader posted in April of 2017 please do so; it will likely answer questions you may have regarding landowner rights as they pertain to riparian ownership and non-navigable waterways.  The “No Trespassing” is effective immediately and DNR Enforcement is aware of the closure, it will be rigorously enforced.

This is unfortunate news and demonstrates that we all need to be good stewards of resources at all times, whether public or private. We should all recognize the frustration of the land owners and be respectful of their decision.  Minnesota Steelheader will do our utmost to keep open lines of communication with the landowners and share with you any additional news or updates.

Minnesota Steelheader volunteer - Adopt -a-river clean up

Minnesota Steelheader volunteer crew at an annual River Clean up.

Minnesota Steelheader and volunteers at an annual Adopt-a-River clean up

A Sucker River spring steelhead.


Jon and Sam said…
I would like to personally thank the landowners for all the generous access they have provided over the years. I am truly sorry that generosity has been abused by some very rude and poor mannered individuals. I have met these landowners at MN Steelheader events, and they are wonderfully kind and warm people. I need to share an comment from one of the landowners. After recognizing him on the river last fall, he looked out at a river full of 12 to 15 year old kids avidly pursuing pink salmon. He looked at me kind heartedly and said “that is why we share the river.” These are Great people that deserve the protection of their property. I hope the river continues to give them wonderful memories, and we all need to learn about the protection of these special places and the people that share them.

Jon and Sam Hendrickson
Duluth, MN
Unknown said…
It is just so sad that there are those who would abuse such a privilege. I have come up to trout fish the north shore since I was old enough to hold a fly rod (since 1959). The Sucker River was one of my stops as I worked my way up and down Highway 61. I would venture to suspect that the offending parties were not walking these access trails for fishing purposes, but just to destroy, as they have no concern for the environment or the enjoyment others have received from hiking the same paths.

Vaya con Dios, Steelheaders.


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