MS Creel Project - Online

The Minnesota Steelheader Creel Project (MSCP) is under way.  Please click on this link  to add your 2013 catch!  the form is simple and you should be able to access from mobile devices as well.

Your part is very simple- When you fish the North Shore in 2013, simply record the following information: 

Species & Number Caught: Kamloops, Steelhead or Brook Trout

The Region Where You Caught the Fish: Lower, Mid or Upper Shore. It is critical that you get the location correct. MS is not interested in the specific streams, simply the region, so please use this format:

Lower Shore Region - All Tributaries from Mission Creek to Knife River

Mid Shore Region - All Tributaries from Stewart River to Baptism River

Upper Shore Region - All Tributaries from Little Marais River to Pigeon River including those on the Reservation.

Check out a previous post for a bit more information:


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