Share your 2012 highlights - send us your pics!

2012 was an an interesting year along the North Shore of Lake Superior.  We had one of the earliest spring Steelhead runs most have ever encountered.  The 100 year flood changed many of the rivers creating new bends, washed out gravel beds, destroyed overpasses and culverts, yet we witnessed first hand on the upper Sucker River, our adopted river, that young rainbows are still thriving.

The fall salmon run was not real exciting due to the lack of precipitation and stream flow.  In fact those that traveled past the Stewart River this fall saw a sandbar that completely closed off  Pink Salmon migration.  In spit of the fall conditions, there were still Salmon to be had if one was willing to search.

All-in-all it was still an enjoyable year and a rather successful one for MS. Our staff had some great trips on the water, some nice fish caught too.  We had a great turnout at our fall clean up, a full class at our fall Salmon clinic, some press notice from the Lake Superior Magazine as well as the MN DNR, and our social media has been growing nicely.

We are currently putting together a 2012 highlights "reel" of staff and visitor North Shore fishing and scenic pictures. If you would like to share any photos please email them to us at the below address, just keep them themed to 2012 North Shore images.

Blogs can get nailed with spammers searching for email addresses.  So we ask that you put the puzzle together to send your photos to our email.

The account is a gmail account  Before the "at" sign is mnsteelheader. 

If you have trouble, please send via our "contact us" page at

Thanks to all for supporting MS and please continue to do the great job of spreading the news on who we are and what we do.

Have a safe New Years!


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