MN DNR News Release

DNR commissioner appoints new Aquatic Invasive Species Advisory Committee

(Released December 27, 2012)

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Commissioner Tom Landwehr appointed 15 members on Dec. 19 to a new statewide Aquatic Invasive Species Advisory Committee.

According to the DNR, aquatic invasive species is one of the most important natural resource issues for Minnesota. Preventing the spread of zebra mussels, Asian carp and Eurasian watermilfoil (as well as other invasive plants and animals) in lakes and streams is critical, along with effective control of established invasive populations.
The committee was created to help the DNR maintain strong relationships with AIS stakeholders and use their advice and recommendations to help guide the department’s activities.

Appointed to three-year terms for 2013-2015 are: John M. Barten, Plymouth; Gary Botzek, Roseville; Jerry Byron, Waseca; Pat Conzemius, Brooklyn Center; Rachael Crabb, Minneapolis; Jeff Forester, Minneapolis; Jay Green, Mound; Kenneth Grob, Park Rapids; Tera Guetter, Detroit Lakes; Barb Halbakken Fischburg, Detroit Lakes; Gabriel Jabbour, Orono; Michelle Marko, Moorhead; Robert E. Olsen, Canby: Greg Oswald, Ellendale; Joe Vene, Bemidji.

Ex-officio members are: Michael Hoff, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Carol Altepeter, Explore Minnesota Tourism; Doug Jensen, Sea Grant Program; Dr. Peter Sorensen, University of Minnesota.
“We look forward to working with these citizen volunteers,” said Steve Hirsch, DNR director of Ecological and Water Resources Division. “They offer a broad spectrum of knowledge and experience that will help us address the challenges of aquatic invasive species.”

More information about DNR’s work on aquatic invasive species is available on the MN DNR website.


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