DNR Goes the Extra Mile

Greetings all!

We recently received something really special from Matt Ward at the DNR which deserves recognition and attention. Matt was previously the Anadromous Specialist for the Duluth Area Fisheries Office, but now serves as Large Lake Specialist for Leech Lake out of Walker. For all the angst over various issues the public has with the DNR, the incredible work individuals like Matt do on a day to day basis too often gets lost in the kerfluffel...

Here's an exerpt from Matt's message to us: "I was previously the anadromous specialist for the MNDNR over on Superior and now am on Leech Lake... I crunched all of the numbers on our spring creel data of anglers that caught steelhead and summarized it in hopes that more people would be successful and enjoy the fishery."

This poster will be presented at the American Fisheries Society meeting in the Twin Cities next week. I think the last line in Matt's message and the fact he sent this to us to present to You, the followers of Minnesota Steelheader, speaks volumes!

Thanks to Matt, Don, Deserae and all the other people involved in providing us this wonderful resource. Special thanks to Carl Haensel of Namebini Guide Service for providing the top two photos. We've brought this up before related to the Adoption of the Sucker River as our Stream Cleanup project, but Namebini Ziibi is the original Ojibwe name for the Sucker River.


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