2012 Fall Streamside Clinic is set

We have finally set the date for the 2012  fall Streamside Clinic.  This year it will also coincide with our annual Adopt-a-River cleanup along the banks of the Sucker River.

Date: September 29th:
Cleanup Location: Sucker River parking lot.
Time - clean up: start between 9:30-10:00am
Clinic Location: Mid Shore River TBD
Time-clinic:  after clean up - approx.11:30am
Limited Attendance - contact - get on the list

The Clinic:
We spend 30 - 45 minutes or so having a streamside discussion about pink salmon, their life cycle, why they have been relatively successful in the Superior environment compared to other Pacific Salmon, and how this relates to the North Shore steelhead fishery. There's a little mix of biology, geology and limnology thrown in.

Since there are lots of similarities with regards to the areas the pinks key on, rigging, presentations etc., learning to catch them teaches you a lot about how to catch steelhead. We also talk about the importance of fall scouting and how fishing for the pinks is a great way to learn the rivers. This is particularly useful this time of year as our rivers are typically at clear low flow levels, a great opportunity to see what actually is below the water.

After the streamside talk, we all rig up and try to catch some fish together. MS Staff are available on the water for about 1-2 additional hours for individual advice/help with whatever method you choose to attempt to catch these fish, answering salmon questions, steelhead questions.... We do our best to get around to everyone. Did we mention it's 100% free???  But note, the attendance is limited.

River Cleanup:
Our plan this year was to conduct a Fall River clean up rather than our typical spring cleanup simply due to the fact that the river was in great shape (trash wise) this past spring.  Now that we are in post super 2012 flood days it is especially important to get on the River and clean up any run off debris that is littering the shore or woods of the Sucker River.  Doing this prior to the winter freeze is also important as we can prevent current trash from potentially entering the river upon  the 2013 spring thaw.

Our goal this year is to get as much help on the River cleanup as possible, doing so will not only speed up our efforts, but will allow us to cover more shoreline.  Our area of special focus starts at the mouth of the Sucker River at Lake Superior and runs upstream approx. 1/2 mile, the most popular fishing and hiking area on the lower Sucker River.  This year we hope the participation will be big, allowing us to cover further reaches of the Sucker River. 

Who can participate:
The clinic is sponsored by Minnesota Steelheader and is free to any skill level. 
The clean up is all volunteer and open to the all anglers and general public.

We really need your help in spreading the word on the River clean up!  All participants will receive a complimentary MS official window decal along with a few other goodies. This is a great opportunity to give back to our fishery.

If interested in either, please shoot us an email through our website at this link: SIGN UP.  Click the fall clinic icon and send us an email.  Include the name(s) attending, phone number(s), email, and a brief message.  We use this link route of contact in an effort to protect everyone from those dreaded spammers.

We will continue to post more info on both events on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MinnesotaSteelheader


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