More Lower Shore Data from Minnesota Steelheader

The Lower North Shore is winding down but there are a few items to note. First, the Lower Shore steelhead run has been a bit more prolonged than usual so far in that we are usually seeing diminishing returns at this point. Currently, returns are at a higher level of returns in the latter weeks compared to an average year.

Secondly, we should start seeing the first of the dropbacks from the upper reaches of larger systems like the Knife. These fish tend to stay in the system for 20-30 days, then return to the lake according to DNR data. And while it's not fast and furious fishing as during the run peaks, it means that you can extend your season a bit if you're willing to be patient and work for fish.

Lastly, Upper Shore returns should be near or at their peaks although with the low flows, much of the fish movement will be in low-light periods or at night. Often, fishing those first and last few minutes of the day for fresh-run fish can pay dividends and make or break a day. Particularly in the types of conditions we are experiencing right now. Lets all hope for a bit of rain.



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