2020 Sucker River Access update

Lower Sucker River access update:

The 2020 North Shore spring steelhead season is sure to be an interesting one.  As we post this update, some of the rivers have opened up though still too high to fish.  For those anglers who have enjoyed fishing the Sucker River over the years, we are happy to report another year of privileged access is available to us.  If you are not aware of the closure issue downstream-left at the scenic 61 access, please stop here and READ THIS.  After that, READ THIS.
For the 2020 spring season, the land owner is allowing angler access across his property from April 10th – May 26th.  This is always pending treatment of property by anglers. Signs are posted at the access point. Fishing before the 10th is being monitored by conservation officers. 

As you likely recall, access at this location was closed a few years ago due to the disrespect to property, property damage, and the level of annual litter.  This past year’s owner report was “the fishermen were good and most were respectful.” We are hopeful that the “most” becomes “all” in 2020.  The owner enjoys visiting with the anglers, though social distance this year will likely still in order, and hopes all anglers have enjoyable experiences.

If you plan to fish this portion of the Sucker River, please be mindful that this access and all other private land access (there are a lot) to river fishing haunts are a privilege, don’t be that guy, please.  Treat others land with respect, leave as you found it or better, pick up the trash of others and we will continue to have access to enjoyable fishing for us and the next generation.

Use this post to share your successes on the sucker river as well as any issues you find.  We wish the best of luck to those able to fish this year.  Be safe.


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