Minnesota State Government Awards

DNR receives a state government innovation award in 2019.

The annual Minnesota State Government Innovation Awards recognize the great work of state government entities and encourage an environment of experimentation and innovation in Minnesota.

Nick Peterson receiving the award for the DNR.

The 2019 State Government Innovation Awards are sponsored by the Humphrey School of Public Affairs Public and Nonprofit Leadership Center with generous support from the Bush Foundation. The Humphrey School recognizes state government entities engaged in innovation and service redesign. Judges select up to ten award winners. This past year, the French River Management office was one of the ten award winners for their Steelhead Genetics Project.  You can learn more about what this project is HERE.

Pictured are the DNR team that is driving this project.

From the awards website:

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources – Section of Fisheries:
Lake Superior Steelhead Genetics Projects
The Steelhead Genetics Project (SGP) is a cooperative fishery research project between Minnesota DNR and volunteer anglers to collect genetic samples from steelhead in Minnesota waters of Lake Superior.  Between 2016 and 2018, over 60 anglers from 29 cities in Minnesota, as well as one angler each from Wisconsin and New York collected nearly 1,000 genetic samples while fishing Minnesota’s North Shore. This project answered a decades-old question - that genetic hybridization was occurring between naturalized wild steelhead and the domesticated kamloops hatchery strain of Rainbow Trout the Minnesota DNR stocked to provide harvest opportunities. Given these results, the MN DNR is now producing pure Lake Superior strain steelhead, that have no negative genetic consequences, to stock for continued harvest opportunities in Lake Superior and its tributaries.
We appreciate all the work the DNR has put into this project as well as the Coaster Brook trout Project and are grateful to be an active parter with this project.  We look forward to an exciting 2020!
Pictured are representatives from the MN DNR, Minnesota Steelheader, and MN Trout Unlimited


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