
Showing posts from April, 2019

Are you interested in becoming a mentor?

Most outdoor sportsmen and women do not realize they have the skills necessary to be an effective hunting or fishing mentor.  Do you?  We have found that many folks are interested in helping to introduce new anglers or hunters to the sport, but often fall short with how to implement. We are looking closely at the value of mentoring and how to better provide resources to those interested in introducing someone new to the outdoors.  Would you be interested in becoming a mentor? One of our directors sits on the MN DNR R3 council. The council's purpose is to address, advise, and provide solutions to reduce further declining numbers of public participation in our hunting and fishing resources.  The link on this page is to a survey we developed to help us address some of the issues we have seen.  Your participation, regardless if you have ever mentored, is very valuable.   The results of this survey will greatly help us learn more about where folks ...

Flies from Afghanistan Part 3

Flies from Afghanistan Part 3 The Teeny Nymph: Perhaps one of the most simple and durable patterns in my fly box is the Teeny Nymph. Pioneered by Jim Teeny of Gresham, OR., the Teeny Nymph combines easy to acquire materials with simplicity and durability. Mr. Teeny wanted to develop a fly for those very reasons and it has proven very effective in catching the anadromous fish of the west coast. In usual fashion, I figured that if this simple pattern caught fish out west why not in our neck of the woods? I bought a few as examples and hit the vise. The fly is adaptable to many variations; adding tails, wings, flash, beads and tying it in various colors. The possibilities are limitless with this pattern. Although any wet fly hook could be used I really like the original hook. It is well made, has a great finish, is very strong and very sharp. You can purchase these hooks through Mr. Teenyā€™s website which I recommend you visit. I typically tie mine in a #6 and have foun...

Sucker River - Temporary angler access allowed...for now.

Earlier this year we contact the landowners along the lower portion of the Sucker River for a follow-up conversation regarding their decision to close river access along their portion of land adjacent to the East side near the mouth.   For descriptive sake, we will term the riversides as if looking downstream, so downstream-left (DL) and downstream-right (DR).   If you are new to this access closure issues you should first read HERE , then read this POST .   The following will make more sense if you understand the history behind the situation. During our conversation the one landowner (remaining nameless) reiterated that the access will remain closed to the public, anglers included.   It was again stated that they enjoy sharing the land and visiting with respectful visitors and anglers, but also needed to do something to prevent any future theft and vandalism. The good news for anglers is that this access will be open to anglers from April 19th ā€“ May 19 th...

Women on the Fly Spring Clinic 2019