2017 Running Creel Project Totals

DATE: 05/20/2017
Lower Shore
Brook Trout
#Reported Since 5/09339
Total Reported31194176
DATE: 05/20/2017
Mid Shore
Brook Trout
#Reported Since 5/094210
Total Reported5434018
DATE: 05/20/2017
Upper Shore
Brook Trout
#Reported Since 5/093181
Total Reported42765
DATE: 05/20/2017
Shore-Wide Totals
Brook Trout
#Reported Since 5/09104210
Total Reported127610199

As many of you know, the MS Creel Project reporting page and form was not cooperating for a period of time. Once that was corrected, it turns out that there was a secondary issue with the back-end related to mail. We send the submissions to a mailbox, but that mailbox wasn't getting submissions.  Long sad technical story....

It looks like we are getting everything now, but we are missing quite a bit of data from prior submissions. We're not quite sure how to deal with that; we're still working on a plan so we'll let you know.

If you continue to have any problem submitting through the current form, you can always submit directly to mnsteelheadernmf@hotmail.com

Some of have done that, and we greatly appreciate it. As always, we don't do anything with angler names or emails, those remain confidential and are deleted immediately after we enter the catch data into our database. No specific angler information is kept, stored, sold, or provided to other groups for any reason whatsoever.

Minnesota Steelheader 


Unknown said…
how do you read these numbers? As in TOTAL REPORTED 1189116 ?
NMF said…
Gary - We have run into this problem before. The table used to post the numbers is written in HTML, but some IOS and Android devices have a problem rendering it correctly when you are only looking at the post preview. Click the "Read More" link on the lower right corner of the post, this will open up the actual full post and you should be able to view the table properly

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