Celebrating 11 years!

We are proudly celebrating 11 years as Minnesota Steelheader today. Over the years we have received wonderful support from many of you, meet a lot of great anglers, industry professionals, and terrific staff within government agencies. We also have received our fair share of criticism, some pretty feisty ones at that. We humbly admit when we are wrong, respectfully debate when appropriate, and smile when we get a pat on the back.

Today, we encourage all of you to add a constructive comment below – good or bad. Just keep it constructive – no shots below the belt. Comments can be about Minnesota Steelheader in general, our programs, projects, website, social posts, direction, new ideas, community, or the fishery in general - your call. We welcome all respectful impute as we continue to grow as an organization (see website for mission statement). Tight lines to you all!


R. Pierce said…
I see there are few comments, so I will leave one. I have been fishing steelhead for the last two years on the North Shore. Living in the west central portion of the state leaves me few trout opportunities. Through your website, and others, I have been able to delve into the world of steelhead fishing. I will admit that it is now an obsession. Without the efforts of your organization as well as others, I may not have been able to do what I have done. My 11 year old son is as excited as I have been and has been on trips with me the last two years. Though he has not yet landed a fish, he has hooked up a couple of times. Please keep up the great work informing us on issues, trends and keep the data flowing!

Ryan Pierce
Thank you for the feedback, it's extremely helpful for us!

Minnesota Steelheader

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