Our fall streamside clinic is finally scheduled and registration has begun.  If you are interested in participating we recommend you sign up ASAP as angler space is limited.

Date: Saturday, September 19th, 2015
Time: 9:45am to 12:45pm - after our adopt-a-river clean-up
Location: an awesome middle shore river*

How do you register?

What is the Streamside clinic?
We developed this clinic in 2011 as way to teach beginners and intermediate steelhead anglers the fundamentals of fishing our North Shore streams and rivers.  Timing the clinic in the fall was easy.  The pink salmon migration is in full swing,  the weather conditions are fairly stable and the rivers are running lower than the levels during the spring steelhead migration making them much more manageable.  Pinks also utilize some of the same migration and spawning waters as our steelhead and most north shore steelie flies can catch pinks.

What will you learn?
Our all volunteer staff of seasoned anglers will teach you all about pink salmon; how they got here, why they were able to naturalize, and how their habitat/life-cycle is similar to steelhead.

• We teach a little on how geology and limnology impact steelhead and pink salmon.

• We review fishing equipment that is suitable for both steelhead and pinks including: rods, reels, line, knots, flies, and misc extras.

• We give a brief summary on all the trout and salmon that swim our waters.

• We also go into detail on how to read water and the terminology for the different types of water/current within our rivers and streams.

• The above might seem time consuming, but we run through it pretty quick and give each of you a nice written outline jammed with everything we teach... now we fish!

• After some general overview our staff of male and female instructors will split the group in two - guys and gals.  Each group will have some hands on instruction on locating fish, fly selection, and presentation.  Note this is not a casting class, but some assistance can be provided.

What is new for the 2015 clinic?
Steelheading is pretty much the same these days, but the anglers are changing. We are noticing more and more diversity on the water these days so to help the momentum we are encourage parents and children to sign up for the event this year. We are also encouraging husbands to bring their wives, or wives to bring their husbands. Couples are encourage to participate, but this is for individuals too!

What will you need to bring?
First and foremost bring a positive attitude.  You will also need to supply yourself with your own fishing equipment (rod, real, line, flies, waders, rain gear, etc.). We also strongly suggest polarized glassed and a camera. 

What will MS provide?
We will have some water and a snack on hand but feel free to bring your own as well.  We will also be providing a clinic outline packed full of valuable information, a basics to fly fishing guide, and a north shore river map booklet.

Who can attend?
This clinic is open to all who are able to freely maneuver the root covered dirt and rock trails along the banks of the river.  The trails are the easy part, it is the walking on rocks and light wading that requires a good sense of balance.  Note too that we focus on entry level wading - no crazy deep water, most is less that knee high.
We strongly encourage kids to participate in the clinic, but they must register with an adult.

What does the clinic cost?
Cost:     15 and under - open donation
     Students - $15.00 min. donation requested
       - $25 min. donation requested

Visit our donations page to learn how to support us!

* river location to be determined.  All participants will be updated on river and meeting location.


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