05.04.2014 Update

Lots of things beginning to happen on the North Shore!

    The DNR's Mid and Upper Shore Creel surveys began this weekend and the French and Knife River traps are open, so look for reports to begin rolling in. For those of you who have submitted MS Creel Reports, we thank YOU! Keep 'em coming.

    As for now, I suppose we should start with the Lower Shore and work our way northward:
The Lower Shore is right on the brink. Keep in mind that our index stream for temperature is smaller than most of the tribs, consequently it warms faster and can be several days ahead of the others; but if this clear weather, warmth and most importantly -sunshine- holds, we think steelheading should be getting hot this week. Look for creel counts to increase significantly as soon as flows drop a bit, it's still crazy high as of 0900 on May 4th, 2014, but the last of the snow looks to be finally flushing out the system.

    Mid Shore is getting very close. Pretty typical for the Mid Shore to hit just about the same time or slightly later than the Lower Shore, look for fishing to really pick up by the end of the week or over the weekend; flows are all over the place but could stand to drop just a tad.

    Upper Shore has a little ways to go, but it really depends on the weather at this point. Keep your fingers crossed for some sun; flows need to drop some here as well, not likely until we get rid of the remaining snowpack.



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