New Flow Resource Available

I don't know how long this is going to last, but the Baptism River Gauge is back up and running! Having access to this information gives you critical insight as to what steelhead may be doing on any given day, and this gauge adds a sorely needed Mid-Shore flow resource to your tool-kit.

Thanks to the Cooperative DNR/MPCA Stream Gaging program, you now have a window into not only what the Baptism is doing, but also what conditions on other streams in the immediate area are probably like. Hopefully with the additional dollars from the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment, this gauge will continue to be funded.

I'll be monitoring the data-stream from this gauge, and hope to have some useful tools developed for understanding what the gauge is telling you soon. Until then, here's the link:

Baptism River Gauge


Anonymous said…
The TU chapter up there has put together a project proposal for the upper section of the Sucker. I know they are looking for more. And with TU's rep with Lessard folks for having "shovel-ready" projects, they should have no problem getting funding to cintinue the gauge on the Baptism. Contact John Lenczewski jlenczewski@comcast dot net , he's the State Councli TU President.

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