Sucker River Restoration Project
In May 2009 the Minnesota Legislature appropriated $2,050,000 to enable Minnesota Trout Unlimited to undertaken trout stream habitat improvement projects in 10 counties around the state. In March 2009 the Lessard- Sams Outdoor Heritage Council had recommended full funding of MNTU’s proposal to improve coldwater habitat in eleven streams. By June 2011 over 14 miles of streams will be restored and enhanced by MNTU’s seven chapters with the assistance of the Minnesota DNR and other conservation groups. The projects will stabilize stream banks, improve water quality, and increase habitat for trout and non-game species. How does this impact steelhead on the North Shore? Well, it really doesn't directly, but it does help improve fish and fishing quality on a section of accessible trout water on a great North Shore watershed - The Sucker River. The Sucker River project will restore and enhance year-round adult trout cover and habitat to provide a stable brook...