September Coho

Even in low water you can catch a salmon or two, if you know where to look. The key is to find a river with enough water to bring in the fish. Next, find the deep pools and holes. Realize you may have to offer up some info to the occasional tourist. If you are not seeing tourists you may be searching for your quarry in the wrong location.
Once you find a river with decent water flow, focus on the pools. Salmon will congregate in these deep pools for protection and comfort. Due to the low water, many of the pools call for a slow presentation. This is not like high water yarn fly drifting. Sinkers are usually not needed. In fact, sinkers can actually do more damage than good. With the slow water come slow, natural presentations. Stick to a natural dead drift, swinging, or stripping, depending on your selection of fly. Our Method this past weekend was a combination of a dead drift and slow strip of a Hercules fly – a bead head wooly bugger modification.
When it comes to fall North Shore fishing, be prepared to fish all water levels; doing so will increase your odds of having a successful fishing trip. Oh, and lots of flies, sunglasses and a camera should top your trip list.
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