October Salmon Reports

The pinks were in every river with enough water. A lot of them are in rough shape but you still can find fresh fish if you look around. A stop at the French revealed a pool full of chinook, so I took my time at a nearby river and finally spotted a mongo buck holding in fast water near cover. He absolutely smashed a purple esl. It was my biggest king in my two years of fishing the north shore.
I continued up the shore and found many pinks but the kings were indeed rare. The remaining kings I spotted on Saturday were much smaller and hanging out in slow pools. I never have much luck without current. On Sunday a fish bigger than the surrounding pinks materialized at the head of a strech of deeper gravel on a mid shore river. A dozen casts later I was tied into a fresh, fat little hen chinook.
All in all it was a great trip, the leaves were beautiful, the hikes to the waterfalls were awesome as always, and I snuck in a few nice fish to boot. ~Jesse