Additional Flow & Temperature Resources for North Shore Steelheaders
Here is a great additional resource for keeping tabs on North Shore steelheading conditions: Duluth Not only can you get an indication for what is happening with regards to flow, but you can also get critical temperature & precipitation data. Simply click on the Real-Time Data & Water Chemistry links to load the current year's data. You can select from any of the parameters displayed & even change the temperature data back & forth from Celsius to Farenheight with a color display in the background. This is a wonderful tool for getting flow, temperature & precipitation data for tribs near or on steelheading hotspots. Currently only the Tischer Creek data-collection sonde is back in the water, but the other sondes will be coming on-line soon. Regards & Good Fishing NMF 04.03.2008 Update- There is a DNR/MPCA cooperative stream monitoring program that just became available: Arrowhead Brule Gage Click on the link to obtain discharge information for t...