2017 Running Creel Project Totals
DATE: 05/20/2017 Lower Shore Species Brook Trout Steelhead Kamloops #Reported Since 5/09 3 3 9 Total Reported 31 194 176 DATE: 05/20/2017 Mid Shore Species Brook Trout Steelhead Kamloops #Reported Since 5/09 4 21 0 Total Reported 54 340 18 DATE: 05/20/2017 Upper Shore Species Brook Trout Steelhead Kamloops #Reported Since 5/09 3 18 1 Total Reported 42 76 5 DATE: 05/20/2017 Shore-Wide Totals Species Brook Trout Steelhead Kamloops #Reported Since 5/09 10 42 10 Total Reported 127 610 199 As many of you know, the MS C reel Project reporting page and form was not cooperating for a period of time. Once that was corrected, it turns out that there was a secondary issue with the back-end related to mail. We send the submissions to a mailbox, but that mailbox wasn't getting submissions. Long sad technical story .... It looks like w e are gettin g everything now, but we are missing quite a bit of data from prior submissions. We're not quite sure how t...