
Showing posts from June, 2011

2011 Photo Contest has begun - Enter Now!

2011 Photo Contest - Starts today! Did you take any great photos from this Spring steelhead season?  If so, enter them in our 2011 Photo Contest! All winning Photograph Photographers will receive a "goody bag" from Minnesota steelheader and the winning photos will be featured across our website, and social media pages. Here are the rules: 1. Photo must be taken from Minnesota waters in 2011 2. jpg files only 3. Supply photographer's name, address and phone number 4. Enter as many photos as you wish 5. One winner will be selected from each category 6. Winner will be featured on our website and news blog 7. Deadline - July 10th, 2011 8. Submit by emailing to the email shown below or visit our website's contact page Categories: 1. Fish Photograph (with angler) 2. Misc. steelheading/tackle photograph 2. Scenic photograph 3. Funny photograph 4. Youth photograph Note:  By submitting your photos, you are giving Minnesota Stee...

Final 2011 Run Statistics

Lower Shore Creel vs. Trap Numbers: Lower Shore Creel Survey Numbers: Mid Shore Creel Survey Numbers: Upper Shore Creel Survey Numbers: Shorewide Combined Creel Numbers vs. the Shorewide Creel Average: Only two notes: 1. I'm using the term "Shorewide Creel Average" pretty loosely. This is only the 2nd year the DNR has reported the numbers in the format they are now using. As such the "average" only represents 2010/2011. Still Better than nothin'! 2. There are still fish on the Upper Shore... Any questions please post them in the comments section and I'll try and answer them asap. Regards - NMF