Sucker River Flow Resource - NEW

Good News- The money from the Clean Water portion of the Legacy act must be flowing (ugh, another bad pun...)

I was attempting to clean up a program I wrote to extrapolate flows for the various NS tribs and it blew up on me yesterday. After I got done crying (I lost almost 10 years worth of grinding, dull work), I started recapturing data.

I went to the MPCA/DNR archives for some Sucker River data and lo and behold, the sonde was once again transmitting real-time data. This will be yet another very useful tool for Minnesota Steelheaders. The new sonde displays discharge as well as rainfall amounts, just use your pointer. If you hover over the green spikes at the top it will tell you how much rain they got.

So I guess it was one of those serendipitous things. I wouldn't have gone to the archives until early next year sometime and wouldn't have noticed the new live data until then.

I already had some tools developed for the old Sucker station, so it won't take very long to develop the new ones. It will really depend on where the new station is located in relation to the old one. If they are in the same spot it will be a quick transition. For now, here's the link:
Sucker River Flow

Quick note regarding the Baptism- A while back I said I would develop some tools for everyone so that you would understand what the new gauge there was saying. I tracked it all spring, but unfortunately there are still some large gaps in the data. As soon as there is enough good data in, I'll post the tools here. Until then, good fishing!


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